Guide BLC 682-C Blinker Glas OTB Gear PLG-1


Enthält 19% MwSt.
zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: sofort lieferbar


OTB Gear PLG-1

This glass lens is a duplicate of the Series 2 product from Guide.

These quality lenses are made in computer designed stainless steel molds and are actually superior to the originals.

Guide BLC 682-C

If not broken, the originals are often cloudy from the sunlight affect on impurities in glass of that era.

What was a Series 1 lens? These are from very early production and had a rounded front.

The factory simply updated the lens to have a pointed front – calling it Series 2.

The two designs are totally interchangeable with each other.

We chose to reproduce the Series 2 because of it’s greater popularity, and more aggressive styling.

COOLEPARTS – Your OTB Gear Parts Dealer since more than 15 years.
Hersteller: OTB Gear, Inc
Bill Lathrop
20452 Carrey RD
Walnut, CA 91789, USA
Telephone 909.595.4995

Verantwortliche Person: EU-Importeur
Inhaber Oliver Harendt
Hohenlohestrasse 26
28209 Bremen - Germany
Telefonnummer: +49(0)421.529801
Faxnummer: +49(0)421.529802
Artikelnummer PLG-1 Kategorien , Schlagworte , , , , Marke:

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