Benzinverteiler Hot Rod Aluminium 4fach finned poliert OTB Gear 6136


Enthält 19% MwSt.
zzgl. Versand
Lieferzeit: sofort lieferbar

Nur noch 1 vorrätig

Benzinverteiler Hot Rod 4fach

Here is our new fuel log 4 port version.

OTB Gear 6136

Use all ports to feed carburetors, or dedicate one for a fuel pressure gauge.

Cast in quality aluminum alloy, and provided in your choice of polished or unpolished finishes.

Drilled and tapped for standard 1/4″ gas line fittings.

Features 4 sturdy mounting tabs for #10 hardware.

In the realm of vintage style fuel logs, this is about as cool as it gets.

Length: 6-1/2″.

This original U.S. made product has been copied off shore by others – but not to our same level of quality.
COOLEPARTS – OTB Gear Dealer since more than 15 years.
Cool Stuff for Cool People 🙂

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 1 kg
Hersteller: OTB Gear, Inc
Bill Lathrop
20452 Carrey RD
Walnut, CA 91789, USA
Telephone 909.595.4995

Verantwortliche Person: EU-Importeur
Inhaber Oliver Harendt
Hohenlohestrasse 26
28209 Bremen - Germany
Telefonnummer: +49(0)421.529801
Faxnummer: +49(0)421.529802

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